On 01.10.2015, was held meeting of the Board of cooperation and trust with the public at the Faculty of Tourism at the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje.
The session was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Assoc. Dr. Sasko Gramatnikovski, a representative of the Board of the Founder of cooperation and trust with the public of UTMS. The session voted unanimously president of the board of cooperation and trust with the public at the Faculty of Tourism to be Angel Ivanov, owner and manager of TA Adriatic Mavrovo, and his deputy, Danela Arsovska, president of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce.
All board members actively participated in the meeting and discussed the proposals for the annual work program of the Board, developing strategy and UTMS and the Faculty, reviewed proposals for clinical teaching topics, suggested possibilities for mutual projects and contracts in order to strengthen mutual Cooperation between the Faculty and the business sector.